Consider it Joy to Repeat Yourselves …

Feb 22, 2024

Consider it joy to repeat yourselves… Did you laugh out loud when you read that? Here is a little insight into why you might just find some JOY in repeating yourself.


When my kids were in elementary school a friend of mine opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at repetition and the benefit of finding joy in repeating ourselves, like Paul does throughout scripture.

“Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you again is no trouble for me and is a safeguard for you.” Philippians 3:1


Do you ever feel like a broken record? Repeating yourself to your kids, your students, your friends, your co-workers? Saying the same thing over and over begrudgingly, hoping it will eventually sink in…all the while becoming more and more frustrated or annoyed?


This passage from Philippians has had an enduring impact on me as a mom and as a person. It is a steadfast reminder that repeating myself ought to be no trouble when things are worth repeating — like encouragement, training, and gospel truth. Also, we should be ever mindful of what we are repeating.

Sometimes it is necessary to say and write the same things over and over again. Repetition helps things to be better understood and strongly fixed in our memory. The person on the receiving end, including ourselves, will be more established in the truth, causing greater potency in what is shared.


If Paul could patiently write or share the same things over and over again under brutal circumstances, why can’t we do the same in our day-to-day? If we all pause and look back at the lessons the Lord has taught us, could we even count the number of times we had to hear, or read, or experience His truth before some of those lessons took hold? Repetition is crucial in many things. May we all be encouraged to find repeating ourselves no trouble for the sake of the gospel and making Jesus known.


What do you need to say or write again to someone today? What has God been repeating to you? And what do you need to STOP repeating? The last question is just as valuable as the questions that went before it.

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